Formatting Tools
The reports can be altered based on your requirements using our formatting tools.
Click on the 'Formatting' button to access the formatting tools.
Click on the respective buttons to enable the settings. You can enable multiple settings at a time. These are the formatting tools and their functions:
Show Grand Total
Enabling this option will give you the total of each numerical fields in the last row of the report. This setting is usually enabled by default.
Show Sub-total
When the subtotal is enabled, the report will give the total of a group of values. The grouping is based on the first column from the left and its common inputs.
Note: It only gives you the sub-total of numerical fields.
Here are a few examples.
Here, the order date is in the first column, which is a necessary requirement for the Sub-total feature to work. Learn how to re-arrange fields by clicking here.
Again, having the 'Product Name' in the first column is essential for Sub-total to work.
Show Grand total on top
Enabling this option shows the 'Grand Total' on the first row below the fields.
Note: For this option to work, you must enable "Show Grand Total".
Wrap Primary Records
When Wrap Primary Record is enabled, all data contained in the first column from the left will be grouped into its common inputs.
Here are a few examples,
Here, the order date is in the first column, which is a necessary requirement for the 'Wrap Primary Records' feature to work. Learn how to re-arrange fields by clicking here.
Again, having the 'Product Name' in the first column is essential for 'Wrap Primary Records' to work.
Show Detailed Report
When this is enabled, the report will display detailed records by individual transaction.
For Example: In a normal report, the transactions are summarized under the respective order dates. But in a detailed report, each transaction is shown in a distinct row along with the exact time of the order.
Report Name for PDF Header
When you export the report as PDF, the report name appears on the top as the Header as shown below. This option is enabled by default.
Insert Currency Format
Select the currency format to add symbols to currency-related number columns.
Note: This is not a currency conversion tool. It is to be used only to add currency symbols to the reports.
Select CSV Format
We can enter any delimiter into the CSV Delimiter box, which acts as the separator when we export the file.
The most common delimiters are
Comma ( , )
Semi-Colon ( ; )
Tab ( \t )
Space ( )
Pipe ( | )
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