"N" Number of Days

Fetch the data weekly for any number of days from 1 to 31. For example, you can generate a report daily for the last 7 days or 10 days, etc.

๐Ÿ“‹ Steps to Schedule Report via 'N' Number of days widget.

  1. Open the report that needs to be scheduled and select the schedule button.

  2. Select the 'Weekly' option. Click 'Next'.

  3. Click on 'Advanced options'.

  4. Select the 'N' number of days option. Click on 'Next'

  1. Enter How many previous days do you want to include Click on 'Next'.

  2. Pick the Delivery Day and time of the week. Click on 'Next'.

  3. Select the output option. Add or Integrate account if required.

  4. Finally, fill in the required fields and select the output file format. Click on 'Save'.

๐ŸŒŸ Good job! You have successfully scheduled your reports

Last updated